2 IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS 275 Show that if two continuous mappings «, v of I into G are such that pri(«(/)) — priWO) = y(0 for each t e I, and if they are equal for one value of t e I, then u = v (use a similar method). (d) Under the same assumptions as in (c), let

f) for £eJ; and for each f ej, let w^ be the unique continuous mapping of I into G such that pri(w^O)) = #,«(/) is continuous in I x J. (Given £ e J, there is a number r > 0 such that for any t e I, the intersection Vt of T and of the closed ball in E x F, of center u^(t) and radius r, is contained in G and such that pri is a homeomorphism of V, onto the closed ball in E of center y(t) and radius r. If L = uff), let M be the supremum of ||(D2/Gc,j>))~1 ° (£>i/(*» y))\\ for all points (jt,j)eG at a distance ^r of L. Let e > 0 be such that e < r/4 and eM < r/4. Show that if 8 is such that the relation 1£ — £| ^8 implies \\0, A;>0,/z>0 and a positive continuous function ;c->H(x) in A such that for ||^|| ** R, H/iO>)|| ^ \\y\f and ||/a(*,7)11 (c;/); when the sequence (an) is infinite, lim \an = -foo (9.1.5). Show (with the notations of Section 9.12, n-»oo Problem 1) that there exists an entire function # such that f(z) = eg(z) IIE I —, /z — 1 J, (" Weierstrass decomposition "). 9. Let A and B be two open neighborhoods of 0 in E — Cp, A being connected; let (x, y) -> U(x,y) be an analytic mapping of A x B into ^f(E; E) (identified to the space of p x p matrices with complex elements). there is a connected component G of T such